Hi There!


I’m Anna. I am a junior working towards my Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design with a minor in Product Design at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. I plan to graduate in May 2022 and hope to pursue a career in graphic or product design that allows both creative challenge and a chance to make a positive impact in my community.

I am a highly creative and innovative individual that thrives in community-based projects, as well as in focused endeavors directly with clients. I work hard to ensure that I put 110% into all projects I embark on, and I hope that my passion shows through all of my work.

In my undergraduate years, I’ve worked on a variety of freelance projects as well as for the Department of Extension within the University as the resident graphic designer. While I worked there, I managed multiple social media platforms as well as produced content for Extension educational programs used at county offices around the state. This job gave me great experience creating informative design and helped me learn a lot about working on a team as a designer.

When I’m not creating for class or work, I love to experiment with different design mediums and programs to further my expertise and continue to develop my personal style. Outside of art & design, I fill my time by re-watching The Office for the 15th time, going on long walks with friends, touring the best lunch spots of the Twin Cities, and planning for post-pandemic travel endeavors. Thanks for stopping by!